Sektion des Gastlandes Tschechien: Barocke Deckenmalereien als virtuelle Welt der frühen Neuzeit
Radka Nokkala Miltová, Brünn

Space, Function, and Iconography: Ceiling Painting in the Aristocratic Residences of Bohemia and Moravia

The relationship between ceiling paintings and their spatial location within aristocratic residences has long been the subject of research. The iconography of the paintings is also occasionally used as an auxiliary tool in cases of absence of relevant sources related to the original function of residential spaces. Although this approach requires caution with regard to a number of factors, including possible changes in relation to a new patron, later renovations, and alterations of the interior order of rooms, etc., in Bohemian and Moravian chateau and palace residences, a clear connection can be made between interior decorations and the function of the residential spaces.
The paper will focus on selected examples of 17th and 18th-century decorative programmes in Bohemia and Moravia, where ceiling paintings can be drawn upon to demonstrate characteristic iconographic schemes linked to individual parts of residences (bedrooms, main halls, audience rooms, etc.) or to trace the gendered division of spaces. The use of painted illusionary spatial elements that underline the functional aspects of individual rooms will also be explored.

Kurzbiografie Radka Nokkala Miltová
2005Alfred Bader Scholarship in Art
2008PhD at Masaryk University (“The Reception of Ovid's Metamorphosis in Baroque art in Bohemia and Moravia”), Brno
2010–2022Assistant professor at the Department of Art History, Masaryk University, Brno
2012–2014Principal investigator of the project “Mythological Themes in the 17th Century Ceiling Paintings of Bohemia and Moravia in European Context” (Czech Science Foundation, Postdoctoral project)
2014–2018Team member, “Centre for Cross-Disciplinary Research into Cultural Phenomena in the Central European History: Image, Communication, Behaviour” (Czech Science Foundation, Projects to promote excellence in basic research)
2016–2020Team member, “For Church, Town and Land. Olomouc Bishop Charles of Lichtenstein-Castelcorn in the Middle of Baroque Europe” (Ministry of Culture of the CR)
since 2019Head of the Department of Art History, Masaryk University, Brno
2022Associate professor at Masaryk University (habilitation thesis: “In the Society of Gods and Heroes. Myths of the Classical World in Bohemian and Moravian Wall Paintings in Aristocratic Rural Seats over the Years 1650–1690)”
Forschungs- bzw. Arbeitsschwerpunkte Graphic arts and printing techniques; iconography and iconology of early modern art; ancient mythology and its reception; decorations of baroque chateaux and palaces
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  • Die malerische Dekoration der Sala terrena in Děčín im Kontext der frühneuzeitlichen mythologischen Malerei, in: Birgit Finger (ed.): Die barocke Idee. Fürstliche barocke Sommerresidenzen, Tagungsband, Dresden 2022, p. 138–146.